Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

Do These Three Things If You Want To Trim A Tree

by Chiara Brun

Trimming a tree is not easy if the branches you want to remove are large and you want to preserve the tree. Specifically, you need to do the following things:

Choose the Right Time

There is no simple answer to the question "When is the right time to trim a tree?" The answer depends on different factors such as the reason for trimming the tree, the size of the tree, and the tree species, among other things. For example, if you want to trim a large tree because its branches are diseased or damaged or because the tree is leaning and you want to lighten its load, then the answer to the previous question is "now." This is because delaying the trimming (in this case) may lead to further damage. Another example is a fruit tree that you need to trim to make it healthier and more productive; most of these trees should be pruned after they are done blooming. Therefore, unless it is a case of emergency pruning, consult a tree professional to learn when you should trim the tree.

Know Where to Make the Actual Cut

The person doing the trimming should also know where to make the cut. This is because there is a real danger to the tree if you cut the branch too short or too long. For example, cutting the branch too close to the tree removes the branch collar that is responsible for the scarring tissue that helps the tree to heal. Removing the branch collar, therefore, prolongs the healing period and may even kill the tree—especially if too many branches are cut in that manner. Even leaving a long branch attached to the tree interferes with the healing because the branch collar won't be able to close over the wound. The right place to make the cut is as close to the branch collar as possible without actually damaging it.

Know How to Make the Right Cut

Lastly, you also need to know how to make the actual cut once you have identified the right place to make the cut. Actually, you should be making more than one cut if you want to reduce the risk of damage to the tree. Ideally, you should make these three cuts:

  • Cut the branch one or more feet from where you plan to make the final cut; this reduces the weight of the branch so that it doesn't split when you are making the final cut
  • Make a second cut, which doesn't go right through the branch, a short distance from and on the opposite side to the location of the final cut;
  • Make the final cut at the predetermined location; the remaining part of the branch should fall straight down

Tree companies like Vista Tree Service understand all the intricacies of tree trimming and pruning, and they can help you for a small fee so that you don't risk damaging your tree or getting injured.


About Me

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

I have always been one of those people who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty, which is why I started trimming my own trees. However, after doing it by myself for a few years, I realized that my yard was starting to look a little DIY, which wasn't the look that I was going for. To make things right, I decided to invest in a professional tree service who could come out and fix up my yard. They were amazing to work with, and they even came with all of their own equipment. This blog is all about the benefits of professional tree care, versus doing things on your own.