Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

A Guide to Proper Tree Care

by Chiara Brun

Trees play an integral role in the environment, from providing shade and improving air quality to enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our surroundings. However, they require consistent care and attention to thrive. Here's a comprehensive guide on proper tree care, ensuring your trees remain healthy and robust.

Choosing the Right Tree

The first step in tree care begins long before you plant the tree. It starts with choosing the right species for your location and soil type. Different trees have varying requirements for sunlight, soil pH, and moisture levels. Research is key here, and local nurseries or tree services can provide valuable information to guide your decision.

Planting Correctly

Proper planting sets the stage for a tree's life. Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball but no deeper. The top of the root ball should be level with the ground surface. Backfill the hole with native soil and water thoroughly. A layer of mulch around the base helps retain soil moisture and control weeds.

Watering Wisely

Watering is crucial, especially for young trees. Newly planted trees require watering once a week unless it rains, and more frequent watering is required during hot, dry periods. Mature trees are generally more resilient but still benefit from watering during extended dry spells.

Mulching Matters

Mulch provides numerous benefits, including moisture retention, temperature regulation, and weed suppression. Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree, but avoid piling it against the trunk, which can lead to rot.

Pruning Purposefully

Pruning is an art that can enhance tree health and aesthetics when done correctly. Remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches as soon as they're noticed. Prune for shape and structure during the tree's dormancy, typically in late winter. Always use sharp, clean tools to make clean cuts.

Monitoring Health

Regularly inspect your trees for signs of disease or pest infestation. Yellowing leaves, premature leaf drop, or unusual growths could indicate a problem. Consult a professional arborist if you're unsure; early detection and treatment can save a tree's life.

Fertilizing Thoughtfully

While mature trees typically don't require additional fertilization, young trees may benefit from a balanced, slow-release fertilizer to boost growth. Soil testing can provide insight into nutrient deficiencies that may need addressing.


Protecting your trees from physical damage is essential. Lawnmowers and weed trimmers can wound the trunk, leaving the tree vulnerable to pests and disease. Using tree guards or creating a sufficient mulch ring can help prevent such damage.

Proper tree care involves a combination of good cultural practices, regular monitoring, and preventative measures. While it may seem daunting at first, the rewards of a healthy, vibrant tree are well worth the effort. Remember, when in doubt, consulting a professional tree care service can provide expert advice tailored to your specific trees and landscape.

For more info about tree services, contact a local company. 


About Me

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

I have always been one of those people who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty, which is why I started trimming my own trees. However, after doing it by myself for a few years, I realized that my yard was starting to look a little DIY, which wasn't the look that I was going for. To make things right, I decided to invest in a professional tree service who could come out and fix up my yard. They were amazing to work with, and they even came with all of their own equipment. This blog is all about the benefits of professional tree care, versus doing things on your own.