Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

When and Why Tree Cabling Is Vital for Safety Near Your Commercial Property

by Chiara Brun

Commercial property owners understand the immense value of maintaining safe surroundings for their clients and visitors. Trees, while offering beauty and environmental benefits, can pose significant risks if not properly managed. One under-appreciated tool in the tree care toolbox is cabling—a method to support branches and trunks. Here's why you should take this technique more seriously:

When to Know If Tree Cabling Is Essential

Tree cabling becomes essential when trees near your commercial property meet specific conditions. It’s not a measure that suits every tree, but certain signs should raise the flag for arborists and property owners. Here are the five key scenarios where cabling is likely necessary:

Overloaded Branches

Heavy, over-extended branches or sections of a tree put stress on the tree's trunk and other limbs. If not addressed, they could lead to breaks and create dangerous scenarios for anyone in their path.

Multi-Stem Trees

Trees that feature co-dominant stems—where no single, dominant leader is present—often result in structurally weaker trees that are more prone to splitting during high winds or storms.

Forked Trees

Similar to multi-stem trees, forks in the branches or main trunk are potential weak spots. Cabling can help reduce the risk of these areas failing and causing damage.

Historic, Valuable, or Aesthetic Trees

For trees that hold historical or monetary value or ones that significantly contribute to the property's image, cabling can be a strategy to extend their life and maintain their structural integrity.

Trees With Split Trunks

Trees whose trunks have started to split can be supported through bracing and cabling, which can help prevent the split from worsening and the tree from declining further.

The Importance of Timely Intervention

Waiting until a tree poses an immediate risk can be too late. Proactively identifying which trees may need cabling and acting upon this information can ensure that the necessary steps are taken to enhance the safety of those trees before it's a critical concern.

Consulting an Arborist

Determining when and where cabling is necessary is best left to a professional arborist. These experts can perform the necessary assessments and recommend a course of action that is tailored to the specific needs of the tree and the surrounding environment.

Tree cabling is a sophisticated and critical approach to preserving trees while managing risks. It's a method that requires expert evaluation and should only be employed when necessary. If you're a commercial property owner with substantial trees, this measure could be pivotal in ensuring a safe and secure environment for all who frequent your establishment. Take the right stance on tree safety—proactive and informed.

Contact a local company to learn more, like All Stars Tree Service.


About Me

Avoiding Common Tree Mistakes

I have always been one of those people who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty, which is why I started trimming my own trees. However, after doing it by myself for a few years, I realized that my yard was starting to look a little DIY, which wasn't the look that I was going for. To make things right, I decided to invest in a professional tree service who could come out and fix up my yard. They were amazing to work with, and they even came with all of their own equipment. This blog is all about the benefits of professional tree care, versus doing things on your own.